Facebook or Twitter: Where Should Your Health and Wellness Brand Live?

Marketing has come far since the days of cold calls and door-to-door product sales. The internet has provided a space for brands to directly interact with their followers alongside meaningful content, granting better marketing outreach than ever before. For a lot of health and wellness companies, the do-it-yourself spirit of personal care (bolstered after COVID) makes the internet the best place to offer advice and connect your audience with products and services.

But when it comes to which social media platform you should lean into the most for your marketing strategies, the path forward isn’t so clear.

Two of the reigning social media kings, Facebook and Twitter, have a lot of promotional benefits that wellness brands can take advantage of to build a following. And while a good marketing team will host their brand across multiple social media platforms, the choice of which “all-arounder” site to utilize can be confusing, to say the least.

Both Facebook and Twitter do things differently, but which is better for a health and wellness brand?

The Perks of Twitter Brand Marketing

If there was one defining characteristic of Twitter, it would be living in the present.

Unlike Facebook, Twitter prides itself in offering a steady stream of tweets and consumer information in real-time, making it an ideal place for worldwide conversations to take place. What do people think of a certain topic? Issue? Trend? Brand? Twitter will likely be the place to get some of your best market insights, so positioning your health and wellness brand as an active authority on the platform would make sense.

Twitter users also tend to be highly engaged, with around 46% of them logging into their accounts each day. The users who follow your brand are thus more likely to see it in action for themselves by checking out your content.

Additionally, Twitter is most utilized by Millennials and younger generations: a 2021 Statista report demonstrates that 42% of Twitter users are aged 29 and younger. This demographic also happens to be the target audience for many health and wellness brands, as many younger consumers are making conscious decisions to pursue healthy lifestyles. One 2019 report discovered that 51% of Millennials search for healthy options while shopping, while the most health-centric age group of consumers was found to exist in the Generation Z (20 and under) crowd. This means the customers who are most likely to purchase health and wellness products in the first place are spending their time browsing Twitter.

The desire for brands to pick Twitter as a home platform resonates in the minds of consumers, too. While roughly 52% of brand marketers are already taking advantage of the platform for business reasons, 30% of consumers wish their favorite brand would start using a Twitter account for content and advertising.

Twitter’s fast-paced nature also allows companies to publicly interact, respond, and comment on the activities their fans enjoy. Likewise, questions about the brand or product information can be personally addressed for all to see, reinforcing your brand as “casually professional.”

Ads on Twitter also tend to be more effective than on Facebook, with an engagement rate of about 1 to 3%. As a result, however, Twitter ads are much pricier, costing $3.50 per impression. Facebook’s ads, by comparison, typically see an engagement rate of 0.119% and cost $0.59 for every impression.

It’s important to remember that the speed at which new Tweets arrive on Twitter can be problematic based on the content your brand intends to create. Content that is shortform—like tips, promotions, short videos, and infographics—will see much higher viewership than longer content that could easily get lost in the constant flood of information.

The Perks of Facebook Brand Marketing

While Twitter emphasizes the speedy deliverance of information, news, and subject matter opinions, Facebook mixes its users’ experiences together to showcase only what its algorithms deem is relevant to the viewer. This can act in the favor of health and wellness brands, making it more likely that someone who values personal care will stumble upon your brand’s Facebook presence.

Overall, Facebook favors deeper, more personalized connections between people with similar interests compared to Twitter’s reliance on raw information and opinions.

But Facebook has more going for it than just its algorithm—it’s also one of the most popular places for consumers to spend their time on the web. As of Q1 of 2022, Facebook boasts over 2.97 billion users. This excludes accounts that have been inactive for more than 30 days. The sheer population of the platform makes it a prime place for brands to position well by offering audience-relevant content and promotions.

B2C isn’t the only venue for Facebook business accounts, either. If your brand is primarily targeting other companies, it might interest you to learn that business decision-makers often spend 74% more time on Facebook each day compared to other users. Compared to Twitter, older generations who control the majority of US disposable income and who also likely own their own businesses are scrolling through their Facebook notifications.

Facebook is also a great place for target audience insights regarding your brand’s campaigning. The audience outreach capabilities of Facebook marketing are far more transparent than that of other social media platforms, allowing you to more easily control which audiences you target for different marketing strategies. In a lot of ways, this process helps to optimize your marketing for efficiency and effectiveness.

Although Facebook has the potential to grant your brand a bigger audience than Twitter, just remember that overall engagement on Facebook is a bit lower compared to other platforms. Content tends to be less snappy, sometimes discouraging users from plunging into your brand for themselves.

Facebook vs. Twitter: Who Wins?

For health and wellness brands, which platform is truly the better choice: Facebook or Twitter?

On one hand, Twitter contains the majority of the wellness demographic amidst its rapid-fire trending news blasts. If your marketing team is apt to keep up with the pace via bite-sized content, there are great gains to be made for Twitter health and wellness marketing.

On the other hand, establishing deeper and longer lasting connections with your audience is easier done through Facebook. If your brand is targeting the Baby Boomer (and older) crowd or favors longer content pieces, Facebook should be your go-to choice.

But ultimately, the pros and cons of the two platforms might vary greatly depending on your brand’s purpose. Always do research on current trends and consumer behavior to see where your audience is spending all their time. Consider the content your brand will likely produce and how it would align with Twitter and Facebook news feed. Then come up with a plan and see what works best.

If you’re looking for a white label solution for your health and wellness brand, CC Wellness offers its own high-grade formulas along with top-tier marketing advice from our seasoned industry experts to take your brand to the next level. Visit our Make WAVES page to learn more.

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