Medical Device Manufacturing

In today’s world, personal care and wellness have become a crucial aspect of our everyday lives. Whether it is taking care of our skin or promoting better intimate health, people are looking for products that are not only effective but also trustworthy and sustainable, and CC Wellness delivers. As a leader in personal care and medical device manufacturing, CC Wellness has a mission to create exceptional products that cater to the unique needs of consumers. We exist to make an impact!

Our Vision

CC Wellness’ vision revolves around the belief that even small choices can lead to big changes. They understand the impact a single product can have on someone’s wellbeing. They are committed to making a difference by shaping the world into a healthier place, one product at a time. It is this vision that fuels their passion for creating innovative and science-based personal care products that cater to the needs of consumers.

Our Mission

CC Wellness is a leader in FDA 510(k) innovation, specializing in improving lifestyles by combining healthy ingredients with pharmaceutical business expertise. Our mission is to deliver personal care and intimate wellness products that consumers deserve. With a commitment to socially responsible manufacturing, CC Wellness creates effective products that cater to the unique needs of each individual. We’ve made it our mission to make a positive impact on consumers’ lives through each and every product we deliver.

Our Purpose

CC Wellness is a rapidly growing pharmaceutical company based in California. Our focus is on delivering personal care and intimate wellness products in a socially responsible manner through science-based innovation and world-class manufacturing. As a rapidly growing pharmaceutical company, we firmly believe in bringing about change that is both good for people and the planet. Our purpose is to create quality products that consumers can rely on, while also ensuring the wellbeing of the environment and the consumer in the decisions they make and the brands they support.

Our Values

At CC Wellness, we believe that people matter, products matter, and performance matters. Our value system is based on these three pillars, and we hold ourselves accountable to these standards in all aspects of our work. We maintain the highest quality standards in our manufacturing processes and take pride in leading our industry with innovative practices. We’re committed to ensuring the well-being of consumers by making socially responsible decisions that lead to a better tomorrow.

Making a Positive Impact on the Lives of Customers and Communities

CC Wellness is a personal care manufacturer that is committed to creating exceptional products that cater to the unique needs of consumers. Their vision, mission, purpose, and values are a testament to their commitment to creating a healthier world. As a leader in FDA 510(k) innovation, they understand the importance of science-based innovation, quality manufacturing, and socially responsible practices. If you’re looking for trustworthy personal care and intimate wellness products—or you’re ready to create an exceptional product to push your brand further—CC Wellness is the brand for you.